The story so far...
From Buenos Aires to Brighton
On New Years Eve 2012, Romulo (Roms) was on holiday in Buenos Aires, and joined the queue for a nightclub behind Nicki who was travelling around South America on a sabbatical from her work in Australia.
Despite the language barrier (and thanks to Google Translate!) and over a bottle of Malbec they managed to establish they had a lot in common, both working in advertising and with a shared love of music. Roms made the genius move of giving Nicki his business card (which worked a treat!) and the rest is history!
São Paulo to Sydney
When Nicki’s trip later took her to Rom’s home city of Sao Paulo, he was the perfect guide, and she had so much fun her planned four days became an extra few weeks. After her trip ended back in the UK, Nicki decided to make a short 5,000 mile (!) detour to visit Roms in Sao Paulo on her way back to Sydney where she worked, and six months later, Roms visited Nicki in Bondi on holiday.
Rom’s family and friends must have questioned his sanity when in 2014, the year of the World Cup in Brazil, he told them he was leaving to go and live with Nicki in Australia just before the first match kicked off! It turned out to be the right call though, as two became three with the arrival of Nina in 2015.

London to Hove
In 2018 the adventures continued, making the move to London, and welcoming the arrival of Nina’s brother Ronnie in 2020. They are so happy to find themselves settled in the beautiful place they now call home, Hove, and can’t wait to celebrate the epic journey with all of you!